Having a plan in place to cope with challenges you may face when quitting smoking is important.
Creating a quit plan will help build your confidence and increase your success in quitting.
Complete your Tobacco Change Plan by filling it out then printing it. Keep it with you to remind you of your plan and reasons throughout your journey. There are also apps that can help you stay in control of your quit journey and build your quit plan digitally. Download the My Change Plan App on your Android or Apple device. Here are some things to think about when you are creating your quit plan.
Know your reasons
There are so many reasons to quit smoking – from looking after personal health, to being a good role model, and saving more money. Make a list of your reasons and reflect on them when you are in need of inspiration. Click on the poster below for a list of health benefits to get you started.
Set a quit day
Picking a quit date marks your transition from thinking about quitting to actually preparing to quit. Congratulations! Here are some tips for setting a quit date that will get you on the path to smoke-free living.
- Think about how soon your quit date should be. Ideally, your quit date should be within the next 3 weeks. This will give you time to prepare and time to reflect on your plan.
- Let someone close to you know you are making a quit attempt. Support from family, friends, or others who have gone through the same journey can increase your success.
- Decide whether you should quit on a weekday or weekend. It’s helpful to remember that some people find the first few days after quitting are the hardest. For example, if your stress level is higher on weekdays making you more likely to smoke, you may want to set a quit day for the weekend.
Practice Quitting
When you practice quitting smoking, it gives you the chance to see how quitting feels, learn what challenges you may face, and build the skills and confidence you need to quit for good. A practice quit is short-term - usually just 1 – 3 days going without cigarettes and other tobacco products.
When practicing to quit:
- Choose a date that works for you. Start with a smoke-free day, and just give it a try.
- Try not to smoke in situations that you usually would (e.g., with your morning coffee, on a work break, or out at a social event with friends) and don’t carry a lighter with you.
- Commit to making your home and car smoke-free spaces.
- Think about how you'll deal with cravings and try out new ways to cope with stress (e.g., try going for a walk or calling a friend instead of reaching for a cigarette).
- Find a support person to encourage you, or a friend to do the practice quit with you.
- Talk to your health care provider or pharmacist about medications that can help.
Not everyone needs to practice before quitting. Some people might practice a few times to feel prepared to quit. Decide what's right for you.
Prepare for your quit day
When quitting smoking, a little preparation can go a long way towards your success. Take control of your journey by knowing your triggers, deciding on your supports including medications, preparing your surroundings, and having some tips for your quit day handy. Click on the boxes below to learn more.